Friday, February 12, 2010

One World One Heart

I just got out of the hospital today and found the OWOH blog event had started and was nearly finished. I feel bad that I missed it this year. Looks like it will have to be next year till I can get something going. I hope this next one is better.


  1. I hope you get well soon! I am glad that my flowers made you smile. Good luck in all of your OWOH entries!


    Oh, feel free to check out my latest flowers at my newer blog

  2. Hello,
    Just wanted to say thank you for visiting my blog and being a follower.I have become one of yours now. I hope that after your surgery you will feel better soon. I would love to see some of your art work and hope you will figure out how to upload photos. If you would like some help I could try and explain, just email me.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog for OWOH.
    I hope that you'll soon be up and about and feeling much better.
    I had surgery in June and the six weeks after were very trying, to say the least.

  4. Hi Just taking some time on the last day to visit with One World One Heart (I am sure tomorrow will be too late ) I am sorry to hear you have been in hospital, I hope all is better now. It has been so pleasant seeing all these blogs, Including yours of course :-) Please come and join my giveaway stll a good 24 hours till I draw a winner, Juliet

  5. thanks for stopping by my blog today - you're entered in my drawing =) i hope you feel better soon!
